Tooth Discoloration

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

by Robert Rapisarda
Are you embarrassed by your stained or yellow teeth? Are you self-conscious about openly speaking or laughing, or often speak and laugh with your hand over your mouth?

We would all love to have beautiful, white teeth. Unfortunately, that is not naturally the case for some Boston patients due to a variety of factors ranging from lifestyle choices to certain medications to genetics.

The good news is that tooth discoloration is a fairly common problem that can be easily remedied either on your own or by a qualified cosmetic dentist, depending on the severity of your particular situation.

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration can be divided into three different categories: extrinsic, intrinsic, and age-related.

1.   Extrinsic. This type of discoloration occurs when stains are present on the outside of the teeth and is typically caused by the following factors:

  • Consuming tooth-staining beverages like coffee, soda, tea, and wine
  • Using tobacco products like cigarettes or chewing tobacco

2.   Intrinsic. This type of discoloration occurs when the inner portion of the tooth becomes stained and is caused by the following:

  • Taking certain medications as young child, especially tetracycline products
  • Excessive fluoride usage at a young age when enamel was not yet fully formed
  • Trauma to the tooth as a young child such as a bad fall that permanently damaged the internal tooth structure
  • Certain diseases
  • Genetics

3.   Age-related. This type of discoloration is due to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. As we age, internal tooth dentin yellows and outer tooth enamel thins, allowing the dentin to show through. Additionally, years of tobacco or stain-causing drink consumption also cause the teeth to yellow.

Treatment Options for Tooth Discolorations

Extrinsic and age-related tooth discoloration can often easily be removed with a thorough professional cleaning or a teeth whitening procedure.

Intrinsic discoloration may require more involved treatments such as a root canal procedure in order to remove the decayed tooth material in conjunction with cosmetic treatment options like dental bonding or porcelain veneers.

Preventing Tooth Discoloration

You can help keep yellowing teeth at bay by regularly practicing good oral hygiene such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing at least once day, and regularly making appointments with a dental hygienist for a professional tooth cleaning.

Making certain lifestyle changes such as quitting the use of tobacco products or cutting back on stain-causing beverages can also help you avoid discolored teeth. You may also consider drinking coffee and soda with a straw, allowing the beverage to go straight into your mouth without touching and subsequently staining your teeth.

Speak to your dentist about fluoride usage in young children as well as the various medications that may discolor the teeth.

Learn More about Cavity Treatments

You no longer have to suffer from unsightly yellow teeth or speak and laugh with your hand covering your mouth. Several effective remedies and preventative habits exist for the various types of discolored teeth. Find out what your options are, get the beautifully white teeth you deserve, and regain your confidence by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Rapisarda today.

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Benefits of Waterlase

Understanding the Benefits of Waterlase

by drrapisarda

Tags: Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Boston Waterlase BenefitsMany dental patients can recall at least one bad experience at the dentist office. Perhaps the drill hit too close to a nerve during a routine teeth cleaning, or the sound of the drill made the experience more unpleasant.

As a result, many patients have been traumatized by the experience with the drill. When they think of a dental drill, they likely associate it with pressure, vibration, and heat, all of which cause an undeniable degree of anxiety over the perceived amount of pain and discomfort involved.

However, Boston dental patients can undergo treatment with the Waterlase, allowing them to rest easy during dental visits. Waterlase treats both the hard and soft tissues (the teeth and gums) without generating any pressure, vibrations, or heat. It allows cosmetic dentistry patients to undergo treatment with fewer shots, no numbness, a reduced need for anesthesia, limited use of the dental drill, and perhaps most importantly, little to no pain. Waterlase also reduces pain and swelling after dental procedures and eliminates the need for pain medication.

With the use of Waterlase, a dentist is able to remove decay on tooth enamel, leaving the area surrounding the affected bone or tissue unaffected, which helps to conserve more of the original tooth structure.

  • Reduction of trauma: When a high-speed dental drill is used to restore decayed or damaged teeth, it may cause fractures and hairline cracks in teeth that can lead to dental problems in the future. With the use of Waterlase, the damage can be reduced and trauma to the teeth is minimized.
  • Reduced swelling and bleeding: With the conservative cutting action that Waterlase uses, many of the procedures that are completed on soft gum tissue are done with no bleeding and a reduced amount of swelling after completion of the procedure.
  • Reduced need for anesthesia: When Waterlase is used for your dental procedures, anesthesia or shots may not be necessary.
  • Reduced number of dental visits: The Waterlase is much more efficient than the drill and many other dental tools, which allows dentists to perform more dental procedures during a single visit. Dentists can quickly remove decay before the placement of dental crowns, and contour the gums during the laser gum reshaping procedure.
  • Increased versatility: Waterlase can be used for a number of different dental procedures. It can be used for both soft tissue and hard tissue procedures including cavity prep, decay removal, smile design, root canals, and even surgical procedures on the gums and bones.

It is important to learn all you can about the technology to determine if it is right for your specific needs.

Learn More about Waterlase Procedures

If you believe you could benefit from the Waterlase technique, contact Dr. Robert Rapisarda today for more information. His staff will help schedule your appointment and provide you with additional information about this innovative technology. If you are ready for more pleasant dental visits, Waterlase can improve your experience. Call today and achieve superior oral health with pain-free procedures.

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Is Laser Gum Contouring Right for Me?

Is Laser Gum Contouring Right for Me?

by drrapisarda
When you smile, do you see more of your gums than you’d like? Do your teeth seem too short or too tall for your smile? If you are unhappy with your smile because your gum line is too low or too high on your teeth, you may be a candidate for gum contouring surgery. Also called gum reshaping or tissue sculpting, this laser procedure at our Boston-area office can correct an uneven gum line and give you the smile you desire.

Do I Need Gum Contouring Surgery?

Gum contouring is typically considered a cosmetic procedure, but in some cases, it can be deemed medically necessary. Some patients undergo gum contouring surgery as part of a periodontal (gum tissue) treatment plan that may also involve crown lengthening, pocket reduction, and regenerative procedures. These patients often have gums that are too high due to gum recession, which is when gum tissue pulls away from the tooth and exposes some of the root. This condition can make the teeth appear longer and worn. Gum recession and gum disease can lead to very serious problems, including tooth and bone loss.

However, most patients choose to have their gums reshaped to improve a “gummy smile.” These patients typically have gums that cover a large portion of the teeth, making the teeth look small and disproportionate. This appearance can be the result of genetics or certain prescription drugs.

Gum contouring can also be performed to make the gum line more even. This makes the teeth appear more uniform and straight.

What Is Involved in the Procedure?

Gum contouring can be performed by a cosmetic dentist or a periodontist (gum specialist). Our practice uses the state-of-the-art Waterlase to treat periodontal problems (as well as cavities, tooth decay, and discolored teeth). Not only is laser dentistry quicker and more comfortable than traditional techniques, but it also results in significantly faster healing time. This is because the laser actually seals off blood vessels as it contacts the gums; this results in far less bleeding and discomfort, especially when compared to gum contouring with a scalpel.

What Should I Expect After the Procedure?

For the first few days, you may notice some bleeding and tenderness. You should limit your diet to soft, cool foods, such as eggs, pasta, and yogurt. It may take a few days or weeks for your gums to heal completely. We will give you specific instructions about caring for your mouth during the recovery process.

Benefits of the procedure, especially when combined with porcelain veneers or crown lengthening, include increased confidence when smiling and speaking, as well as improved gum health. These combined procedures provide patients with a proportionate, healthy, youthful-looking smile.

Learn More about Laser Gum Contouring

If you are unhappy with the way your teeth and gums look, we invite you to schedule a consultation to learn if gum contouring surgery is right for you. The entire team at our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible dental health.

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Top Treatments for Your Cavities

Top Treatments for Your Cavities

by drrapisarda
Dealing with cavities can bring anxiety and discomfort, especially for those who are already averse to seeing the dentist. However, your experience can be greatly improved with the right dentist who employs use of the latest technology and treatment.

For many years, the standard treatment for cavities involved drilling holes into teeth and filling them with amalgam metal (or “silver” fillings). Now, the use of a drill is becoming obsolete, as is the conspicuous use of metal fillings. Here are a few ways that cavity detection and treatment can help you make the most of a dental visit.

Cavity Detection

One of the best ways to combat tooth decay is to catch it in its earliest stages. When cavities are just beginning to form, a patient may be totally unaware of their presence. It is therefore vital to have regular dental cleanings that occasionally utilize X-ray images to view any internal decay.

  • Digitial X-ray detection: Some patients have expressed concern over the use of X-rays for the small amounts of radiation they emit. Anyone who’s worn the lead vest during while X-rays are taken may admit the thought has crossed their minds. However, the advent of digital X-rays has greatly reduced radiation exposure by as much as 90 percent. A tiny camera is positioned directly in the patient’s mouth, which uploads digital pictures to the dentist’s laptop. Not only is radiation focused and limited, but the dentist can also position the camera more easily and gain better insight into potential problems.
  • DIAGNOdent® laser detection: When X-ray detection doesn’t provide clear images of the center of a tooth, laser detection may be another viable option. DIAGNOdent® sends a painless laser through the tooth, emitting a signal when it detects any perceptible decay. Because this method does not use any X-rays, it carries no risks when used in conjunction with traditional detection methods.


The dental drill has long been a staple of cavity treatment, and is perhaps the most daunting part of the process. New technological innovations are beginning to replace the drill with more efficient, effective, and comfortable methods of penetrating hard enamel. WaterLase® allows dentists to carve out area of decay precisely, using a combination of laser and water pulse technology. Some advantages of the WaterLase® tool includes:

  • Less damage to teeth: Traditional drills use pressure and friction to bore into a tooth, creating tiny cracks and heat damage to the surrounding area. The water and air pulse of WaterLase® cuts through teeth at a high-frequency, leaving no heat or sustained pressure.
  • Precise cutting: The WaterLase® laser cuts consistently and precisely, leaving no guesswork for the operating dentist. Decay is removed without further loss of healthy tooth tissue.
  • Less pain: Without the vibration and pressure of a conventional drill, pain is drastically reduced during the procedure.

Porcelain and Resin Dental Fillings

When it comes time to fill a cavity, there are multiple benefits behind tooth-colored fillings. First and foremost, porcelain and resin (also called “composite”) fillings are virtually unnoticeable, leaving your teeth with a natural appearance.

These fillings also bond to a tooth’s tissues, strengthening the tooth and requiring less drilling for proper adherence. Additionally, porcelain and resin are used for dental crowns, bridges, and bonding, allowing any area of a damaged tooth to be replaced while preserving your smile.  To learn more about the benefits of tooth-colored fillings, call our office for an initial, informative consultation.

Contact Our Office Today

Detecting and treating cavities does not need to be a cumbersome ordeal. With procedures that best preserve your health and comfort, cavity treatment can be a virtually painless process. Cosmetic dentist Robert Rapisarda welcomes your questions and looks forward to helping you address all your dental needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment; we’d love to hear from you!

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Preventing and Treating Tooth Enamel Erosion

Preventing and Treating Tooth Enamel Erosion

by drrapisarda
Our teeth go through a lot of wear and tear over the years. Even though enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, it can still get worn down over time. Many factors contribute to this wear and tear; but luckily, most of them are preventable with a little foresight. As a matter of good hygiene and dental health, Boston cosmetic dentist Robert Rapisarda urges patients to understand the causes and dangers of tooth erosion.

The Cause of Tooth Erosion

The primary factors behind erosion can be found in the foods we eat. The single largest contributor to enamel loss is acid – acidic foods are found everywhere, and many of them come in contact with our teeth on a daily basis.

An Apple-a-Day?

Fruit is a great source of vitamins and nutrients, which can make some doctors happy, but it’s not always the best for our teeth. In fact, an apple has a low pH level, making it a likely candidate for acidic erosion. The same is true for other fruits, such as grapefruit or strawberries. This is not to say you should not abstain from these otherwise healthy foods. However, these facts should underscore the need to take care of your teeth and counteract erosion before it leads to tooth decay. After consuming highly acidic foods, rinse the mouth with water to reduce the level of acidity.

Other Sources

Additional causes of tooth erosion include acid reflux, teeth grinding, brushing too hard, vomiting, dry mouth, and even supplements like vitamin C pills. If your teeth are beginning to get eroded, there are a few telling signs you can recognize.

Signs of Tooth Erosion

The first sign of erosion that someone is likely to notice is increased tooth sensitivity, especially when eating food that is particularly hot, cold, or sweet. This sensitivity will rarely go away on its own, and will likely worsen as the erosion continues. When a tooth is sensitive, that means the softer dentin underneath are exposed – a bad sign if you want your teeth strong and healthy.

A tooth suffering from erosion may also feel rough or rigid, as a result of the enamel being damaged. Cracks and chips are also more likely, adding to a rigid surface. As the tooth’s white exterior becomes worn away, it may also appear more yellow.

Of course, the best way to spot erosion is by visiting a dentist. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Rapisarda to check on the health of your teeth and learn how you can counteract erosion.


The optimal dental treatment is to avert tooth enamel erosion before it even starts. Preventative measures include:

  • Cutting down on acidic food and drinks
  • Brushing diligently, but not aggressively
  • Using a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Using a fluoride toothpaste or mouth wash
  • Using a straw for acidic drinks
  • Limit any causes of acid reflux or vomiting

Still, there is only so much you can do within the confines of your lifestyle. To better protect your teeth from erosion and even counter its effects, Dr. Rapisarda offers ways to strengthen and restore your teeth.

Tooth bonding is a way of resurfacing a patient’s teeth with plastic or resin, offsetting the effects of enamel loss. This is a valuable option for teeth that have been chipped or yellowed over time.

Dental crowns are an effective solution to major tooth erosion. By placing a porcelain cap over an eroded tooth, crowns can return health and beauty to a patient’s smile while protecting against further damage.

Contact Us!

No matter how protective you are of your teeth, regular dental visits will help ensure they are not permanently damaged by eroded enamel. Dr. Rapisarda utilizes the latest technology while keeping patients’ comfort at the forefront of his practice. Schedule an appointment today to see how we can help your smile last indefinitely.

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Prevention and Treatment of Halitosis

Prevention and Treatment of Halitosis

by drrapisarda
Bad breath (halitosis) is embarrassing and can cause you to feel self-conscious and hesitant to talk or even get close to others.

Millions of people are affected by halitosis and are taking ineffective measures to treat it. For example, most people try to stop bad breath with mouthwash, which only masks the problem for a short period of time.

Bad breath, or halitosis, is often caused by poor oral health or eating habits, but may also be attributed to other health conditions such as gum disease. In order to understand how to prevent it, it’s best to understand what causes bad breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Poor dental hygiene is a major contributor to bad breath. When you eat, food particles stay in the mouth. If you don’t brush and floss regularly, those particles linger, attracting foul-smelling bacteria.

Other causes include:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Poorly fitting or improperly cleaned dental appliances
  • Tooth decay
  • Persistent dry mouth (xerostomia), often caused by medication or mouth breathing
  • Respiratory or sinus infections
  • Liver or kidney problems
  • Diabetes
  • Acid reflux
  • Diet high in protein or dairy
  • High alcohol or caffeine consumption

If you are experiencing persistent bad breath, it may be a warning sign of something more serious. For example, halitosis may be an indicator of gum disease or tooth decay.

When plaque remains on the teeth due to inadequate brushing and flossing, it can eat away at the structure of the tooth and gums. Left untreated, it can cause gum disease (periodontitis). Periodontitis can damage the gums and jawbone and even result in tooth loss.

How Do I Prevent Bad Breath?

To prevent bad breath, you should always maintain a proper dental hygiene routine. Brush your teeth and any dental work twice a day and floss daily to get rid of bacteria and food particles in the mouth. In addition, you should see your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.

Other tips to preventing bad breath include:

  • Drink lots of water. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
  • Adjust your diet. Cut back on fatty foods and dairy and reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking is bad for all aspects of your health and contributes to bad breath.
  • Switch medications. If your prescriptions are drying out your mouth, try switching, if possible.

When To See A Dentist

If you’re taking all the measures to prevent bad breath and you’re still experiencing it, you can seek treatment. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Robert Rapisarda will look for the underlying cause of the problem and fully examine your teeth and gums.

If your halitosis is caused by dental issues such as tooth decay or gum disease, Dr. Rapisarda will evaluate your teeth and overall oral health and make recommendations for dental work with you, such as the placement of dental crowns.

If you are worried about bad breath and want to learn more about how our dental practice can help restore your oral health and your confidence, please contact us today.

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The Uses and Benefits of Dental Mouth Guards

by Robert Rapisarda
Many patients think of mouth guards as a bulky piece of sports equipment that can be picked up over the counter at any sporting goods store. So Worcester cosmetic dentist Robert Rapisarda’s patients are often surprised when he recommends the use of a dental mouth guard. However, a dental mouth guard, especially one custom-made for the patient’s mouth, can actually be very useful in addressing a number of dental and health concerns. For patients in Worcester, dental mouth guards can provide protection and alleviate the symptoms of bruxism, TMJ disorder, and sleep apnea.

Protection: There is a reason that patients think of mouth guards as a piece of sporting equipment. While there are many uses for dental mouth guards, protection during sporting events remains their most common. However, many athletes use store-bought mouth guards. Custom-made dental mouth guards can provide a more comfortable fit and superior protection for athletes who play contact sports, as well as those participating in leisurely activities such as swimming, cycling, skateboarding, etc.

Bruxism: Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Teeth grinding can cause significant damage to the teeth. For many patients in Worcester, dental crowns may be necessary to repair damage and restore strength to teeth that have been weakened by teeth grinding. A dental mouth guard is recommended to patients who show signs of bruxism; the guard will prevent teeth grinding while patients sleep.

TMJ Disorder: TMJ disorder is another painful oral health condition that may be treated with a dental mouth guard. There are many possible causes of TMJ, one of which is a misalignment of the teeth. A dental mouth guard is a conservative method of keeping the teeth properly aligned while a patient sleeps. For patients with mild TMJ symptoms a dental mouth guard may be able to alleviate the discomfort of TMJ.

Sleep Apnea: Known more as a medical condition than an oral health problem, patients with sleep apnea may also benefit from the use of a dental mouth guard or splint. Wearing a dental mouth guard at night can align the teeth and jaw and open up the airways so that unobstructed breathing is possible.

Benefits of Dental Mouth Guards

The treatment and protective benefits of dental mouth guards include:

  • Avoidance of teeth, mouth, and lip injuries during sporting events
  • Prevention of teeth grinding and the tooth damage it can cause
  • Relief from the painful symptoms of TMJ disorder, including headaches and sore jaw muscles
  • A restful night’s sleep for patients with sleep apnea

Aside from the treatment benefits of dental mouth guards, custom-made mouth guards provided by Dr. Rapisarda provide patients with these additional benefits:

  • Close and customized fit
  • Superior comfort
  • An absence of odor or taste that many patients experience with store bought mouth guards
  • Durability

Schedule an Appointment

Patients who are suffering from bruxism, TMJ disorder, or sleep apnea may be good candidates for a dental mouth guard. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Rapisarda to have a custom-made dental mouth guard made. Dr. Rapisarda offers dental mouth guards that are superior in both fit and quality.

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What You Should Know About Full Mouth Reconstruction

What You Should Know About Full Mouth Reconstruction

by Robert Rapisarda

When a person has a serious dental health issue, dentists have plenty of ways to address those needs. Often times, people suffer from multiple dental health problems, requiring numerous treatments to enhance overall dental health. That is where a full mouth reconstruction can be especially helpful.

The team here at our Worcester cosmetic dentistry center would like to take a few moments right now to go over the basics of full mouth reconstruction treatment so that you know what to expect from the treatment process.

What is a full mouth reconstruction?

A full mouth reconstruction refers to a combination of multiple dental care treatments that are performed in order to address multiple dental health issues. In general, these mouth reconstruction procedures will tackle the most serious problems first and then move on to less pressing dental health issues. When you visit our cosmetic laser dentistry center in Barre, we will customize a mouth reconstruction procedure in order to meet your unique needs.

Ideal Candidates for a Full Mouth Reconstruction

The best candidates for full mouth reconstruction treatment are people who suffer from multiple dental health issues at the same time. In many cases these health problems are ones that have not be addressed for years, meaning that extensive dental therapies will be required.

Below are just a few treatment options that are commonly included in full mouth reconstructions.

Treatments for Tooth Decay and Tooth Damage

Tooth decay can weaken teeth in varying degrees and lead to major discomfort when eating even soft foods. When you meet with a skilled Barre cosmetic laser dentist, you’ll be able to find out if dental fillings, inlays, onlays, or dental crowns will be ideal for you and your needs.

Treatments for Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can cause a number of problems, including issues with eating certain foods and gradual misalignment of the remaining teeth. While removable dental bridges and dentures are excellent options to consider, many patients are greatly helped by getting Worcester dental implants surgically placed in order to hold these dental appliances in place.

Treatments for Gum Disease and Soft Tissue Problems

Gum disease is a serious issue that can affect the overall health and appearance of your smile. This is especially true if the gum disease progresses beyond gingivitis to periodontitis or advanced periodontitis. By undergoing gum disease treatment, patients will be able to improve their overall dental health in a dramatic way.

Additional Options for Full Mouth Reconstruction Treatments

In addition to addressing problems with the structure of the teeth and gums, full mouth reconstruction can also address issues related to the jaw joint (TMJ disorder treatment), the alignment of the teeth (orthodontics), the interior tissues of the teeth (root canal), and even the soft palate and nasal passages (snoring and sleep apnea). We can go over all of your options for advanced dental care during your visit to our practice.

Schedule a Dental Visit at Our Practice Today

For more information about full mouth reconstruction and your many other options for enhancing your dental health, be sure to contact our Barre cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible dental health.

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How Instant Orthodontics Can Transform Your Smile

How Instant Orthodontics Can Transform Your Smile

by Robert Rapisarda
Getting a great-looking smile is a common dream, probably because few people are actually born with a perfect smile. When you meet with a skilled Worcester cosmetic dentist, you can learn about many different options for smile makeover treatment that can make you look your absolute best. One such treatment that may be on the table is instant orthodontics. It’s not orthodontic care per se, but actually the use of porcelain veneers to achieve results that are comparable to orthodontic treatment.

Our team would like to look at the basics regarding instant orthodontics so you have basic understanding of what to expect and what can be achieved.

About Porcelain Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of dental ceramic that are affixed to the front facing parts of a person’s teeth. When in place, the porcelain veneers are able to mask aesthetic imperfections and give people beautiful, flawless smiles.

The dental veneers are semi-translucent just like the natural structure of your teeth, meaning that when they are in place, natural and artificial light will affect the veneers just as it would your normal teeth. In addition, the porcelain veneers are stain resistant, meaning long-lasting smile makeover results.

Dental Problems That Porcelain Dental Veneers Can Address

At our laser dentistry center serving Springfield, we often use porcelain veneers to address the following common dental problems:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Severely stained teeth

Best Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

The best candidates for porcelain veneers are people who have cosmetic problems with their smiles rather than major dental health issues. These people should be in otherwise good dental health and have realistic expectations about the procedure and what it can achieve.

When you meet with a skilled cosmetic dentist serving Barre and Worcester, you will be able to find out if porcelain veneers or an alternative treatment is right for you and your needs.

The Porcelain Veneers Procedure

During the porcelain veneers procedure, a small amount of tooth structure from the front of the teeth will need to be removed. This is simply done in order to accommodate the porcelain veneers, and the amount of removed tooth structure will generally be a fraction of a millimeter.

Once the tooth is prepped, an impression of the tooth will be made from which the permanent porcelain veneer will be crafted. When the veneer is ready, it will be carefully checked to ensure color match and proper fit before being adhered in place.

Alternatives to Porcelain Veneers

While porcelain veneers are a great way for many people to get beautiful smiles, there are plenty of other options to consider for achieving the perfect smile, including Worcester teeth whitening, dental crowns, and actual orthodontic care. We will be more than happy to discuss all of these in greater detail during your visit to the practice.

Learn More About Advanced Smile Makeover Treatments

For more information about all of your options for smile makeover treatment, be sure to contact our Barre cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve excellent dental health and a beautiful smile as well.

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The Differences between Inlays and Onlays

The Differences between Inlays and Onlays

by drrapisarda
At Dr. Robert Rapisarda’s Worcester cosmetic dentistry practice, we can replace old, metal dental fillings with tooth-colored inlays and onlays. Inlays and onlays are tooth-colored fabrications used to restore the look of your teeth, while also adding strength and correcting damage. Though inlays and onlays are used to repair rear teeth damaged by tooth decay or injury, the type of restoration that is placed will depend on the amount of damage sustained by the tooth. Read this overview to understand the difference between the two treatments. We welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rapisarda to determine which treatment is best suited to your needs.

What Are Inlays and What Are They Used to Treat?

Inlays are a tooth-colored dental fabrication used to treat dental cavities or replace old dental fillings. They can be made of porcelain or composite resin. Though gold inlays are available, most people choose tooth-colored materials for a flawless finish. Inlays are different from onlays in that they are used to treat smaller areas of decay and damage within the cusps of the teeth.

Inlay treatment generally requires two dental visits, as each inlay is custom-made from an impression of the tooth. During the first dental visit, an impression is taken and sent to a dental lab. A temporary inlay is placed while waiting for the lab to custom-make the inlay. Once the inlay is complete, a second dental visit will be scheduled to permanently place the inlay and complete the treatment process.

What Are Onlays and What Are They Used to Treat?

Like inlays, onlays are used to treat dental cavities and damage; onlays are also called partial crowns. They too are made of tooth-colored materials. Gold is another material that can be used to make onlays, but gold is not as popular do to its tendency to stand out in a white tooth. Onlays differ from inlays in the extent of damage, as well as the area they are designed to treat. Onlays are used when damage extends beyond one or more cusps. They can be used for major cavities or to repair chipped or broken teeth.

The treatment process for the placement of onlays typically requires two dental visits. As with inlays, an impression must be made of the treated tooth. The impression is sent to a dental lab where the onlay is custom-made. Once finished, the onlay will be placed and bonded to the tooth at a second dental visit.

Alternative Restorative Treatments

If your teeth are too damaged for inlays or onlays, don’t despair. There are alternative restorative treatments available. Some alternatives for damaged or missing teeth include porcelain dental crowns and dental implants. Porcelain crowns are a wonderful treatment to restore the strength of a severely damaged tooth while also restoring the appearance. For our patients in Worcester, dental implants are a great option to permanently replace missing teeth.

Schedule a Consultation

You can have a gorgeous, flawless smile and the confidence a beautiful smile brings. We welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rapisarda for your personalized treatment plan.

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Robert A. Rapisarda, DMD

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